Grow With CO2?
Grow With CO2?
Introduction to CO2
Photosynthesis 101
Here are the 3 Main Elements of Photosynthesis.
2). Water
3). Carbon Dioxide

To protect itself against water loss the leaf has a waxy cuticle blocking water loss but it still needs these openings to exchange Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide with the environment that it needs for photosynthesis.

Fresh air contains carbon dioxide at about 370 ppm, so providing adequate ventilation and air movement is a good first step. Unfortunately, in a tightly enclosed greenhouse or room, ambient CO2 can get used up quickly. For example, in a plastic greenhouse, CO2 levels can be reduced to less than 200 ppm just 1-2 hours after sunrise. At levels below 200 ppm, plant growth will be greatly limited, and at levels below 100 ppm, plants will stop growing altogether.
Carbon dioxide levels above ambient levels can have a dramatically positive effect on plant growth. By increasing carbon dioxide levels to 750-1,500 ppm, growers can expect a 30-50% increase in yields over ambient CO2 levels and time to fruiting and flowering can be reduced by 7-10 days.
Just as excessive levels of fertilizer salts can harm plants, excessive levels of CO2 enrichment can have adverse effects. In a room, levels above 1,500 ppm are considered wasteful, and levels above 5,000 ppm are harmful. Excessive levels will cause the stomata on plant leaves to close, temporarily stopping photosynthesis and since plants will no longer be able to transpire water vapor adequately when the stomata are closed, leaves can become scorched. "

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TNB Naturals also has the Refill Pack available, same contents as the Enhancer at around 1/2 the price. Perfect for all those hobbyists with the tents and also small-medium closets or growrooms. Easily add CO2 to your garden without the hassle associated with traditional CO2 methods. CO2 Enrichment with no additional equipment.

The Enhancer CO2 generator by TNB Naturals
Set Up Instructions:

In the 19th century, the German scientist Justus von Liebig formulated the “Law of the Minimum,” which states that if one of the essential plant nutrients is deficient, plant growth will be poor even when all other essential nutrients are abundant.

The environment is the most important thing for any living thing.
Plants need to breathe carbon dioxide just like humans breathe oxygen.
Providing adequate CO2 to your plants will help them achieve optimal growth and health, allowing them to grow to their full potential.
“When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.” ― Alexander Den Heijer
Often when you do not have enough water, or nutrients, this can become “The limiting factor”. The same thing goes for CO2, If you do not provide your plants the CO2 they need to grow, this can become the limiting factor and hold them back from reaching their full potential.
Don’t limit the growth of your plants. Always make sure you have adequate levels of CO2 in your indoor garden in order for your plants to maximize their growth potential.
Use The Enhancer natural CO2 generator